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Dry Scalp Remedies

Ladies, in case you are experiencing some unpleasant dandruff, white flakes, or severe dryness of your scalp; you are exactly where you need to be! Every one of us will experience slight discomfort and changes on our scalp at one point in our lifetime, which can be prevented and fixed quick & easy, as well as with some at-home remedies. Here, I will let you in on a few of my top go-to solutions and will explain what you can do to fight unwanted flakes.

Is It Just Dry, Or You Really Have Dandruff?

Well, most of us will experience a slight change in our body, skin or hair in the winter due to low temperatures. Since cold air can dry out your skin, it can also dry out your scalp and cause it to flake in the winter. Your scalp will produce giant white flakes and your skin & hair will appear a lot drier than they usually are. Your scalp can also be dried out if you haven't been eating properly, or if you haven't been drinking enough of water.

However, on the other hand, if you have oily scalp you will most likely experience dandruff. Your skin will shed and dandruff will occur in little white flakes all over your shirts & on your hair. These are actually your dead skin cells which often happen due to fungal infections, clogged oily pores, or sensitivity to some substances such as your shampoos, conditioners, etc.

It is vital for you to know the difference between these two since not everyone has dandruff, and not everyone's scalp is dry.

What To Do If You Have Dry Scalp?

Top 5 Remedies For Dry Scalp

Coconut Oil

Create an oil treatment which will help you bring back all the lost and much-needed moisture. Use coconut oil and rub it onto your dry scalp with your hands, then put a plastic cap or a shower cap on top to seal in the moisture. You should leave this mask on for 60 minutes and rinse out the product.

Apple Cider Vinegar

All of us probably have apple cider vinegar lying around. Although it doesn't' have the most pleasant scent, it can reduce the dryness of your scalp. Mix it with a bit of water and apply directly onto your scalp. Leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse out with cold water. Apply a gentle shampoo after and condition as you'd normally do.

Green Tea

Grab a bit of green tea, peppermint oil, and white vinegar the next time you are at the grocery store and do the following:

Brew a cup of your tea and add 3 drops of the peppermint oil into the cup. Also add one teaspoon of vinegar and mix them all together. Pour this mixture onto your damp hair and massage in for 5 minutes straight. Later rinse it out with a gentle or sulfate-free shampoo and style as you'd normally do.

Mashed Bananas

Bananas are very moisturizing and can be used on top of a dry scalp, in some cases they even do wonders for dandruff. Use one mashed banana and mix it along with 5 tablespoons of either coconut or olive oil directly on top of your hair. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse out with cold water. Proceed with the use of your regular mild shampoo.

Yogurt And Egg

Yogurt and eggs aren't just your breakfast foods, these can also be used on dry hair & scalp. Yogurt is calming and soothing once applied cold, while eggs are filled with protein which your hair & scalp will appreciate. Use 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt and add one well-beaten egg into the mixture. Massage on top of the scalp and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse out with cold water and use your regular shampoo.

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